7th Meeting – October 22

We began by watching two short films about Christo, the famous maker of gigantic site specific art projects. First was a profile from “60 Minutes,” second was a film about the building of an early, large scale piece titled, “Valley Curtain.” Click here to watch the “Valley Curtain” video. And here is a video on, “The Gates” project.

We met in teams, and discussed the Museum of Jurassic Technology visit. We basically restated our responses to last week’s VoiceThread.

Also in teams, we began an assignment which is a spin-off from the BBC podcasts, “A History of Our Own World in 3 Objects.” First step was to quickly brainstorm a list of 30 possible objects that could epitomize our own moment in history. Afterwards, we began to edit this list down to the three most intriguing ideas. These objects, should be highly specific, and topical. They don’t need to necessarily be things we would actually be able to possess. By next Thursday, each team is to finalize what these objects are, by filling in the worksheet, called “3 Objects: Step 1” a page which has been added to the wikispaces sites created for the “Light+Space” project. (Image is of: Steampunk’s “Lightbulb Terrarium.”

Also for next week:

  1. Begin reading “Air Guitar” handout, 3 art essays by Dave Hickey.
  2. We need some old magazines to cut up for a photomontage project in next week’s class. If you have any magazines to contribute, please bring them on the 29th.